
New Video! Setting Swarovski Crystals in Heavy Leather using Rimsets

Swarovski crystals provide much more sparkle than the widely-available acrylic "crystal" rivets. It was challenging finding any tutorial on this, so I tinkered until I found a way that worked. I hope this helps, and thanks for watching!

Leather Conditioning and Care (For Vegetable Tanned Leather)

What happens if you don't condition your dog's tooled leather collar, repeatedly let him wear while swimming, and then do not exert any control while walking him and allow him to pull with all his might on his leash? The short answer is... the collar is going to stretch, discolour, or worse... break! In the [...]

Craft all the Things! The Price of One Pair of Designer Shoes Could Buy All These Tools!

Many women my age love to spend their money on accumulating the most vast assortment of quality designer fashion accessories as monetarily possible. While I can appreciate a unique handcrafted leather belt and comfortable shoes built to last, this obsession with brand name fashion baffles me. Why do people spend $1000 on a pair of [...]

Filigreed Dog Collar With a Metallic Lambskin Rolled Edge

Whew, what a mouthful of a title! I was itching to try something new on a dog collar, and this project was a first for many techniques. I had a great deal of fun, and my fingertips are covered in a film of superglue that I think will take days to wash off! 1. Rolled [...]

Tool Review: Tandy’s Pro Lacing and Stitching Pony

While I liked the leather tools I had before the fire, I have the unique opportunity in replacing said tools with better ones. Experience revealed the shortcomings to some of them, which I attempt to address in my replacements. Most of my replacements have been resounding successes for my style of crafting, although I had [...]

Quality Leathercraft Tools are Hard to Find!

It's been about 1.5 months since I posted about the fire. It would be an understatement to say that much has changed! House, insurance, and living arrangements aside, all in all, everything is going well. As it's been a while, I have a lot of information to cram into one post. Despite all that has [...]

House and Studio Burned to the Ground

I can't believe I'm posting this a few scant weeks since I posted a photo blog about my beloved workroom. Yesterday, April 5 2013, our house was consumed by flames. Everything was destroyed. As this blog is dedicated to my leathercraft hobby, I'll try to keep this blog post focused on leathercraft. In this photo, [...]

2014-02-19T02:20:33+00:00News|1 Comment

Celtic Horse Dog Collar – WIP

Years ago, I sated my appetite for creative art by doing complex digital paintings and photo manipulations of horses. I've always had a great appreciation for horses, so I was excited to be commissioned to do a horse collar design. My little Etsy business has been doing phenomenally well, so I haven't had as much [...]

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