
Changes and updates to the SalukiFeathers site or Etsy store.

Trophies for the Saluki Club of Canada Specialty of 2015

2015-08-29T20:00:59+00:00Dog Collars, News|

My leather dog collars are worn by dogs of all sizes in many countries, have been worn by a dog posing in a magazine, and a custom-text collar has even been used as a tool in a marriage proposal. This request was another unusual one.. I was to craft prize collars to go to the [...]

Quality Leathercraft Tools are Hard to Find!

2013-10-06T21:33:04+00:00Business Discussion, News|

It's been about 1.5 months since I posted about the fire. It would be an understatement to say that much has changed! House, insurance, and living arrangements aside, all in all, everything is going well. As it's been a while, I have a lot of information to cram into one post. Despite all that has [...]

House and Studio Burned to the Ground


I can't believe I'm posting this a few scant weeks since I posted a photo blog about my beloved workroom. Yesterday, April 5 2013, our house was consumed by flames. Everything was destroyed. As this blog is dedicated to my leathercraft hobby, I'll try to keep this blog post focused on leathercraft. In this photo, [...]

SalukiFeathers Comes to WordPress!


I'm excited to bring my leathercraft hobby into its own website! I started with a little shop on Etsy and had a surprising amount of success within the first month. Esty is just an online marketplace, however, and it didn't take long for me to get the itch for something with more functionality. I wasn't [...]

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