
Craft all the Things! The Price of One Pair of Designer Shoes Could Buy All These Tools!


Many women my age love to spend their money on accumulating the most vast assortment of quality designer fashion accessories as monetarily possible. While I can appreciate a unique handcrafted leather belt and comfortable shoes built to last, this obsession with brand name fashion baffles me. Why do people spend $1000 on a pair of [...]

Quality Leathercraft Tools are Hard to Find!

2013-10-06T21:33:04+00:00Business Discussion, News|

It's been about 1.5 months since I posted about the fire. It would be an understatement to say that much has changed! House, insurance, and living arrangements aside, all in all, everything is going well. As it's been a while, I have a lot of information to cram into one post. Despite all that has [...]

A Look into the Leather Workshop


I find it inspiring and informative to look up other artists' workshops. I can imagine them at their workbenches, toiling (or in my case, tooling) away to their favourite music, the hours soaring by, completely lost in their craft. Peter Main's leather workshop continues to inspire me! While I wait for the finish on my [...]

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