My dogs are often the last to get new collars, so I made this one special for my cream Saluki, Kirin. It feathers two Kirin creatures leaping on either side of a flashy embedded moonstone. View the blog post.

Glow in the Dark the One Ring Dog Collar
SalukiFeathers2017-06-08T15:33:19+00:00Like the One Ring collar, this leather dog collar has elvish script from the Lord of the Rings carved around it. The script on this collar has glow-in-the-dark pigment rubbed in. View the product page (coming soon).
The One Ring Collar
SalukiFeathers2017-06-08T15:30:56+00:00The black speech script from the One Ring from the Lord of the Rings movies/books is carved around this collar. Gold pigment is rubbed in to give it a glint in the light. View the product page (coming soon).
Colourful Rugged Leather Dog Collars
SalukiFeathers2017-06-08T15:24:33+00:00These are a variation of the Rugged Leather Dog collar that is a bestseller in my store. The customer requested custom colours for her three dogs. View the product page (coming soon).
Rainbow Fish Dog Collar
SalukiFeathers2017-06-08T15:18:12+00:00This leather dog collar is tooled to look like the scales of a fish, and handpainted with a variety of shimmers to resemble the Rainbow Fish from a popular Children's book. View the product page (coming soon).

Fire Daisy Dog Collar with Swarovski Crystals
SalukiFeathers2017-06-08T15:16:03+00:00Daisies and flames are tooled into this leather dog collar, with Swarovski crystals for the daisy centers. A soft pigskin lining is sewn to the back.
Wings Leather Dog Collar
SalukiFeathers2017-06-08T15:13:14+00:00This tooled leather dog collar is fashioned to look like a pair of wings encircling the dog's neck. Every feather is carefully detailed by hand with a stylus.
Sheridan Saluki Dog Collar
SalukiFeathers2017-06-08T15:05:37+00:00This leather dog collar is made up of several layers. Sheridan tooling on the top layer is filigreed to show a metallic chrome tan layer underneath. A vegetable-tanned liner holds it together. The symbol in the center means "saluki", as this was the price for Best in Specialty for the 2015 Canadian Saluki Specialty. View [...]
Celtic Horse Dog Collar
SalukiFeathers2017-06-07T19:38:42+00:00Horses and celtic elements were carved into this custom leather dog collar. View the product page (coming soon).